Sunday, September 17, 2006

Psychology of the Long Wait (Car Buying Tips)

When you negotiate for a car at the dealership, the sales managers work slower than molasses on a winter's day. Sales managers love to keep people waiting. They love it even more if the customer is hungry, tired or simply worn down. Keeping this in mind, you should go to the car dealership on a full stomach. Bring a good book with you or something to keep you entertained in case you are subjected to the long wait.

The following paragraph is an exerpt from The Car Buying Bible to describe the typical car buying experience:

You should expect a LONG wait. The sales manager will operate unreasonably slow and this is intentional. This is his way of maintaining control over you. In a negotiation, the person with the control will usually win. He knows that you are undergoing an emotional event and he wants to beat you down. If you sit and wonder, “I hope I didn’t blow it” or if you wonder, “I hope I get this car,” then he has you right where he wants you. Also, by now, you probably have been at the dealership for several hours. He knows this is exhausting for you and that if you invested this much time into the experience, then you are not going to be enthused about walking out to start the process over somewhere else. Even if you wanted to leave, he has your keys or possibly has “lost” them by now, so you really couldn’t leave if you wanted to.

See The Car Buying Bible to find out how to eliminate the long wait and the price negotiations altogether. This 162-page car buying guide with an accompanying car loan calculator offers great car buying advice that can save you thousands on your next car purchase.


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