Avoid Window Etching at the Dealership
For a couple hundred dollars (I've heard of this costing up to $900), the dealer can etch the VIN number onto all of your vehicle's windows. This way, if your car gets stolen and disassembled, the police and your insurance company can figure out where the parts came from.
To etch the windows takes under 10 minutes. I've done it plenty of times myself. Basically, I would stick a decal onto the each window. This decal has the VIN number on it. Then, I would blot an acid solution over the decal. The acid would etch the VIN number into the window.
Here are my objections to the whole thing:
- First of all, I have never seen any evidence that it is effective. I'm sure somebody could enlighten me as the pros and cons.
- Second of all, if you pay the dealer more than $20 to get it done, you're being ripped off. Search the web and you can find do-it-yourself window etching kits for $20. As I said, it only takes 10 minutes to do. If you can put a decal on a window, blot an acid solution on top of it and remove the sticker, then you're qualified to do the job yourself.
Just browsing the net, very interesting.
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Really nice and informative blog, keep it up buddy…Thanks for sharing.
How can its possible ?
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That makes sense, but the challenge here is to be able to deal with the flowery words of people who offer this kind of service at an unreasonable price. This is not a scam but more of a strategy to earn more money easier. This is very clever so we must be even wiser to catch this.
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I've never actually heard of window etching! This could come in handy when we get our new car. What are some things I should look for when getting a car big enough, and durable enough for my kids throughout the years?
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So in window etching, you use acid for the design? I don't know if I would trust anyone but myself to handle acid around a new car. I haven't even bought one, but I'm already being protective of it. http://www.lacombeford.com/
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